Annual BulletinOne of the greatest benefits of being a member of the Paperweight Collectors Association is that a copy of the publication "The Annual Bulletin of the Paperweight Collectors Association, Inc." is included in your annual member's contribution. The Bulletin, as most members call it, has been continuously published since 1954 and each issue has contained articles, pictures, and discussions of all aspects of collecting and appreciating glass paperweights. Every issue contains the contributions of collectors, Artist/Makers, and dealers from around the world. Since 1954, over 720 articles (and paperweight photographs too numerous to mention) have been provided to our membership and to museums and collections around the world. The annual digital editions of the Annual Bulletin of the Paperweight Collectors Association, Inc. from 2015 through 2018 are now available to PCA, Inc. members. To read them online or download a copy, click on the appropriate cover image. Additional copies of the current and previous editions of the Paperweight Collectors Association Bulletin may be available. Use our contact form to enquire about such copies. If you are considering joining the Paperweight Collectors Association and are curious as to what kind of articles are in the currently available issue, you can now download a multi-page PCA Bulletin Sampler, which will enable you to review and printout the initial pages of several articles. Excerpts of the 2004 and 2005 editions of the Annual Bulletin are included: PCA Bulletin Sampler. Many are curious as to what topics have been discussed in the past and would like to have a master Table of Contents for all issues. Look no further, as it is here and available. Click here to select one of several pdf files for downloading. Others would like a listing of all the articles by a specific expert or authority that have been published in the PCA Bulletin. That listing is also here and available. Click here to select one of several pdf files for downloading. Already a Member? Be sure to login to view the most recent Bulletins online!
Table of Contents - Annual Bulletin of the Paperweight Collectors Association Sorted by DateTable of Contents - Annual Bulletin of the Paperweight Collectors Association Sorted by Author
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